Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Emergency lighting

During the holiday season I had a chance to test out Capstone Industries Eco-Lite by accident. I had been sent samples of the Eco-i-Lite months ago and forgot all about them until just before the holidays when I decided to plug them in. They're easy enough to use just plug in the charger and the light sits in a cradle. 

Needless to say I lost power during the holidays on one of the coldest days and I didn't realise it until I saw the top portion of the lite shining brightly. That was during the day but I also tried it out at night and it worked very well. The bottom of the torch acts as a dimly lit night lite, but when you take it out of the charger the top part give off that great white light that's extremely bright but easy on the eyes. Another plus the plastics used are 100% recycled.

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